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Delphi 5 Grammar - Felix John COLIBRI.

  • abstract : the Delphi 5 ebnf grammar
  • key words : ebnf, iebnf, compiler, pascal
  • software used : Windows XP, Delphi 6
  • hardware used : Pentium 1.400Mhz, 256 M memory, 140 G hard disc
  • scope : Delphi 1 to 8 for Windows, Kylix
  • level : Delphi developer
  • plan :

1 - Introduction

Here is the grammar we are using to parse Delphi programs.

2 - The grammar

2.1 - History

We are using our GenCot parser generator to analyze Delphi programs. This generator is used to parse Pascal (and Delphi) as well as other grammars (C, PDF, assembler, SQL etc).

The last Delphi version we worked on was for Delphi 5. The grammar below yielded a parser which was able to parse the Delphi 5 VCL.

This grammar was built from our old UCSD grammar. It does not descend from the P4 grammar (so the production names will be similar but not identical). The text was manually extended to support Delphi. When it worked on our projects, we feard that it only used our own Delphi idioms. To harden it a bit, we unparsed Martin WALDENBURG's excellent Delphi Parser. His parser is not, as I understand, built from a grammar, but the methods nicely follow the production any Delphi grammar would contain. So analyzing the methods, and their calls yielded another grammar which was consolidated with the previous one. Finally we launched the corresponding parser on the VCL, and corrected the grammar in order to swallow any Delphi 5 VCL construct (at that time mwParser handled Delphi 4). The grammar has not been checked for any Delphi 6 addition(s), and was not tested on the Delphi 6 (or later) VCL.

2.2 - The grammar specifics

The general syntax of the grammar is IEBNF: an EBNF version with added indentation. The indentation corresponds to the Pascal nesting of the parsing procedures. This nesting is not mandatory: the grammar could as well be alphabetically sorted.

In order to parse Delphi 5, we had to add a couple of "features" to the grammar. They are noted with a $ prefix:

  • $NOREAD will ask the generator to check the presence of the following token but not read this token (a kind of test, or check). Here is an example of the handling of the ";" in CASE

              caseCASE expression OF case_element { ';' [ ELSE $NOREAD | END $NOREAD | case_element ] }
                     [ ELSE instruction_list ] END .

  • $<xxx ... $>xxx will push and pop a syntax directive, and the parser will be able to check whether the execution is currently in this phase. Some Delphi identifiers have only a special meaning while Delphi is in some parts of the syntax. Here is an example with PROPERTY specifiers:

    property_specifiers= $<prop [ INDEX constant_expression ] $>prop
        $<prop [ READ variable_access | READONLY ]
               [ WRITE WRITE_NAME | WRITEONLY ] $>prop
        $<prop [ DISPID constant_expression ] [ ';' ] $>prop
        $<prop { storage_specifier [';' ] } $>prop
        [ IMPLEMENTS unit_qualified_identifier { ',unit_qualified_identifier } ';' ] 

    The READ identifier is considered as a keyword only during PROPERTY parsing. You can use the Pascal Read predefined procedure anywhere else, and can declare read variable whenever you like. So "read" is only considered as a keyword during PROPERTY processing. Hence our $<prop directive

  • $i_xxx will ask the generator to emit a call to a hand written i_xxx.pas file where some ad-hoc parsing code will be placed. This is the worst hack of all, and a complete denial of any EBNF handling. We only used this in desparate cases where we could not write LL1 productions which would correctly handle all cases found in the parsing of the VCL (or other Delphi files we had to analyze).

    If the grammar was only to show Delphi syntax, this could have been avoided. Also, if the grammar had been used LALR parsers more powerful than LL1 (LALR or other) this could also be removed.

  • some productions have several versions, with one or serveral "_" suffixes. This is the case for simple_expression. The reason is that the production is found in different productions, sometimes with some slight variations. In our case, simple_expression is required
    • in constant_expression
    • in type
    • in expression
    If the parse_simple_expression procedure is nested within parse_constant_expression, parse_type and parse_expression, the Delphi syntax has no problem of handling the procedure with the same name. But our Gencot tool requires unique production names, mainly because when we are writing a grammar, groups of productions are often moved from one place to another, and the possible duplicates at a same syntactic level would cause too much trouble.
  • our grammar cannot be used to check Delphi syntax. It accepts constructs that the true Delphi compiler will reject. However, the corresponding parser will parse Delphi 5 correct programs, and this is how we use it: this grammar, or its simplified versions, is used to build tools which require parsing of Delphi programs (cross-ref, call graphs, liveness, modification locus, pretty printing, reordering, renaming, refactoring etc).

2.3 - The Delphi 5 Grammar

Here is the grammar:

startprogram  | unit | library | package .

  identifier_listID_NAME { ',ID_NAME } .
  unit_qualified_identifierID_NAME { '.ID_NAME } .

  type_nameTYPE_NAME | STRING | FILE .
  unit_qualified_type_nametype_name [ '.type_name ] .

  function_result_typetype_name .

  constant_expressionF .
  string_expression= ( STRING_NAME | STRING_LITTERAL )
      { '+' ( STRING_NAME | STRING_LITTERAL ) } .

  variable_access= ( ACCESS_NAME | STRING ) { end_access_ } .
    end_access_= { array_access_ | record_access_ | '^' | function_parameters_ } .
      array_access_= '[constant_expression { ',constant_expression } '].
      record_access_= '.variable_access .
      function_parameters_= '(' [ constant_expression { ',constant_expression } ] ').

  set_factor= '[' [ set_element { ',set_element } ] '].
    set_elementconstant_expression [ '..constant_expression ] .

  constant_expressionsimple_expression__ [ ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN  )
      simple_expression__ ] .
    simple_expression__= [ '+' | '-' ] term__ { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term__  } .
      term__factor__ { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor__ } .
        factor__NUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL | NIL
            | variable_access
            | NOT factor__ | '@factor__ | set_factor
            | '^NAME
            | '(constant_expression ')'.

  typed_constantsimple_expression_ [ ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN  )
      simple_expression_ ] .
    simple_expression_= [ '+' | '-' ] term_ { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term_ } .
      term_factor_ { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor_ } .
            // -- id or field "(f1: v1; f2: v2)"
            | variable_access [ ':typed_constant
                { ';variable_access ':typed_constant } ]
            | NOT factor_ | '@factor_
            | '^NAME
            | '(' [ typed_constant_]  ')'
            | set_factor .
          // -- array "(1, 2, 3)" or "fn(p1, p2")
          typed_constant_typed_constant { ',typed_constant } .

  formal_parameters= '(formal_parameter { ';formal_parameter } ').
    formal_parameter= [ parameter | var_parameter
        | const_parameter | out_parameter | in_parameter ] .
      parameter_name_listPARAMETER_NAME { ',PARAMETER_NAME } .
      array_or_name_typeARRAY OF ( CONST | unit_qualified_type_name )
          | unit_qualified_type_name .
      parameterparameter_name_list ':array_or_name_type
          ['=constant_expression ]  .
      var_parameterVAR parameter_name_list [ ':array_or_name_type ] .
      const_parameterCONST parameter_name_list
          [ ':array_or_name_type ['=constant_expression ] ] .
      out_parameterOUT parameter_name_list [ ':array_or_name_type ] .
      in_parameterIN parameter .

  dos_directivesNEAR | FAR | EXPORT | ASSEMBLER .
  calling_directivesCDECL | PASCAL | REGISTER | SAFECALL | STDCALL .
  overload_directiveOVERLOAD .
  method_directivesABSTRACT | VIRTUAL | DYNAMIC
        | OVERRIDE | REINTRODUCE | MESSAGE constant_expression .

  const_type_var_declarationsconstant_definitions | resource_defintions
      | type_definitions | variable_declarations .

    typekeyed_types | type_0 .
      // -- called by i_type
      enumeration_type= '(identifier_list ').
          [ ( ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN  ) simple_expression_t
            | '..end_range_type ) ] .
        simple_expression_t= [ '+' | '-' ] term_t { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term_t } .
          term_tfactor_t { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor_t } .
            factor_tNUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL | NIL
                | variable_access
                | NOT factor_t | '@factor_t
                | '^NAME
                | '(expression_t ')'
                | set_factor .
        end_range_typesimple_expression_t .
      type_0= ( NUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL | NIL | NOT | '+' | '-' | '@' | '(' | '[' | NAME )
          $i_type .
      keyed_typesstring_type | structured_type | pointer_type | procedural_type .
        // -- handle STRING as array[index_type]
        string_typeSTRING [ '[constant_expression ']' ] .
        structured_type= [ PACKED ] ( array_type | record_type | set_type | file_type  ) .
          array_typeARRAY [ '[index_type { ',index_type } ']' ] OF type .
            index_typeconstant_expression [ '..constant_expression ] .
          record_typeRECORD field_list END .
            field_list= { common_field ';' } [ variant_fields ] .
              common_fieldidentifier_list ':type .
              variant_fieldsCASE tag OF cases { cases } .
                tagVARIANT_TAG_NAME [ ':unit_qualified_type_name ] .
                casesconstant_expression { ',constant_expression }
                    ':one_case .
                  one_case= '(' [ common_field { ';' [ ( common_field | variant_fields ) ] }
                                 | variant_fields ]
                            ')' [ ';' ] .
          set_typeSET OF type .
          file_typeFILE [ OF type ] .
        pointer_type= '^POINTED_NAME .
        procedural_type= ( PROCEDURE [ formal_parameters ]
                | FUNCTION [ formal_parameters ] ':function_result_type )
            $<dir( [ OF OBJECT ] | i_procedural_type_directives ) $>dir  .
          procedural_type_directivescalling_directives  .
          i_procedural_type_directives=  ( ';'
              | CDECL | PASCAL | REGISTER | SAFECALL | STDCALL ) $i_directives .

    constant_definitionsCONST constant_definition { constant_definition  }  .
      constant_definitionCONST_NAME [ ':type ] '=typed_constant ';.

    resource_defintionsRESOURCESTRING resource_definition { resource_definition } .
      resource_definitionRESOURCE_NAME '=string_expression ';.

    type_definitionsTYPE type_definition  { type_definition  } .
      type_definitionTYPE_NAME '=' [ TYPE ] ( class_type | interface_type | type ) ';.

        // -- used in INTERFACE also
        propertyPROPERTY $>priv PROPERTY_NAME [ property_type ] property_specifiers .
          property_type= [ property_indexes ] ':unit_qualified_type_name .
            property_indexes= '[property_index { ';property_index } '].
              property_index= [ CONST ] INDEX_NAME { ',INDEX_NAME }
                  ':unit_qualified_type_name .
          property_specifiers= $<prop [ INDEX constant_expression ] $>prop
              // -- "READ FTabSize.Y"
              $<prop [ READ variable_access | READONLY ]
                  [ WRITE WRITE_NAME | WRITEONLY ] $>prop
              // -- some params called "dispid"
              $<prop [ DISPID constant_expression ] [ ';' ] $>prop
              $<prop { storage_specifier [';' ] } $>prop
              [ IMPLEMENTS unit_qualified_identifier { ',unit_qualified_identifier } ';' ] .
           storage_specifierstorage_stored | storage_default  | storage_no_default  .
            storage_storedSTORED [ constant_expression ]  .
            storage_defaultDEFAULT [ constant_expression ] .
            storage_no_defaultNODEFAULT .

        // -- the ; is in the type_definitions
        class_typeCLASS [ class_reference | class_definition ] .
          class_referenceOF unit_qualified_type_name .
          // -- class_definition : can be foward with inheritance
          class_definition= [ inheritance ] [ class_body ] .
            inheritance= '(unit_qualified_type_name { ',unit_qualified_type_name } ').
            class_bodyfields_and_procs_section { fields_and_procs_section } END .
              fields_and_procs_section= $<priv protection fields_and_procs $>priv .
                protection= [ PRIVATE  | PROTECTED | PUBLIC | PUBLISHED ]  .
                fields_and_procs= { class_field } { class_methods | property $<priv } .
                  class_fieldidentifier_list $>priv ':type ';' $<priv .
                  class_methodsconstructor | destructor |
                      [ CLASS ] ( class_procedure | class_function ) .
                    method_directives_= $<dir
                        { (method_directives | overload_directive | calling_directives)
                        [ ';'] } $>dir .
                    // -- if interfaces : "FUNCTION i_xxx.yyy = zzz;"
                    rename_method= '.NAME '=NAME ';.
                    constructorCONSTRUCTOR $>priv PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';'
                      method_directives_ $<priv .
                    destructorDESTRUCTOR $>priv PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';'
                      method_directives_ $<priv .
                    class_procedurePROCEDURE $>priv PR_NAME
                      ( rename_method | [ formal_parameters ] ';'
                        method_directives_ ) $<priv .
                    class_functionFUNCTION $>priv FN_NAME
                      ( rename_method | [ formal_parameters ] ':function_result_type ';'
                        method_directives_ ) $<priv .

        interface_type= ( INTERFACE | DISPINTERFACE ) [ interface_definition ] .
          interface_definition= [ interface_heritage] [interface_g_u_i_d ]
              interface_member_list END .
            interface_heritage= '(identifier_list ').
            interface_g_u_i_d= '[string_expression '].
            interface_member_list= { class_procedure_ | class_function_ | property } .
              interface_directives_= $<dir
                      { (method_directives | overload_directive | calling_directives | dispid )
                      [ ';'] } $>dir .
                dispidDISPID constant_expression .
              // -- redefinition "PROCEDURE x.y= z;" (axctrls)
              class_procedure_= ( PROCEDURE | CONSTRUCTOR | DESTRUCTOR )
                  PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';interface_directives_ .
              class_function_FUNCTION FN_NAME  [ formal_parameters ] ':function_result_type ';'
                  interface_directives_ .

    variable_declarations= (THREADVAR | VARvariable_declaration { variable_declaration } .
      // -- has separated in 2 because of initialization
      // -- absolute can be after a list, but not with initialization
          ( ':type  [ '=typed_constant | absolute ] ';'
           | { ',ID_NAME }  ':type  [ absolute ] ';' ) .
         absoluteABSOLUTE OTHER_VAR_NAME .

  // -- code

  expressionsimple_expression [ ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN | IS )
      simple_expression ] .
    simple_expression= [ '+' | '-' ] term { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term } .
      termfactor { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor } .
        // -- called by $i_access_or_expression
        // -- can be empty if fn call "fn()"
        parenthized_expression= '(' [ expression { ',expression } ] ').
            | NOT factor | '@factor | INHERITED [ factor ]
            | '^NAME
            | set_factor
            // -- x= (Sender AS tButton).Caption
            // -- the AS is only for the level 0
            | ( NAME | STRING ) { parenthized_expression | end_access }
            | parenthized_expression { end_access } .
          end_access= { array_access | record_access | '^' | as_access  } .
            array_access= '[expression { ',expression } '].
            record_access= '.expression .
            as_accessAS NAME .

  // -- instructions

  asmASM { asm_statement } END .
    // -- for pasting in i_asm
    asm_statement_= { NAME | NUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL
        | '[' | ']' | '.'  | ','
        | ':'
        | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
        | NOT  | AND | OR | XOR | SHR | SHL | DIV } .
    label_=  '@' [ '@'] ( ALL_NAME | NUMBER ) .

    asm_statement= ( NAME | NUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL
        | '[' | ']' | '.'  | ','
        | '@'
        | ':'
        | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
        | NOT  | AND | OR | XOR | SHR | SHL | DIV ) $i_asm .

  composed_instructionF .

  // -- allows empty ";" instruction
  instruction_list= [ instruction ] { ';' [ instruction ] } .
    instruction= { assignment_or_call | structured_instruction } .

      // -- this covers "x[3].z:= u;" or "my_proc(3+ zz)";
      // -- acces or (pchar+ 1)^ := ...
      assignment_or_callexpression [ end_assignment ] .
        // -- "(Sender As tButton).Caption:= xxx"
        end_assignment= ':=expression .

      structured_instructioncomposed_instruction | test | repetition | with
          | try | inherited_call | raise_statement | asm .
        testif | case .
          ifIF expression THEN instruction [ ELSE instruction ] .
          // -- D5: ';' after last instr or before ELSE optional !
          caseCASE expression OF case_element
              { ';' [ ELSE $NOREAD | END $NOREAD | case_element ] }
                 [ ELSE instruction_list ] END .
            case_elementcase_label ':instruction .
              // -- a general constant constant_expression, but no set [],
              // --   unless in a function call
                  { ( ',constant_expression | '..constant_expression ) } .
        repetitionwhile | repeat | for .
          whileWHILE expression DO instruction .
          repeatREPEAT instruction_list UNTIL expression .
          forFOR unit_qualified_identifier ':=expression [ TO | DOWNTO ]
              expression DO instruction .
        // -- "with xxx AS"
        withWITH expression { ',expression } DO instruction .
        tryTRY instruction_list
            ( EXCEPT except_block | FINALLY instruction_list ) END .
          except_blockon [ ELSE instruction_list ] | instruction_list .
            // -- can have "ON ezero DO ELSE xxx ;" or "ON xxx DO ;"
            onhandle_instruction { ';' [ handle_instruction ] } .
              exception_identifierunit_qualified_identifier [ ':unit_qualified_identifier ] .
              handle_instructionON exception_identifier DO [ instruction ';' ] .

        // -- "Inherited Items[Index]:= "
        inherited_callINHERITED [ instruction ] .
        // inline_statement= INLINE '(' INTEGERCONST {'/' INTEGERCONST } ')' .
        raise_statement= $<at RAISE [ variable_access ] [ AT constant_expression ] $>at .

  composed_instructionBEGIN instruction_list END .

  // -- bloc
  // -- VIRTUAL etc only in CLASS

  routine_headerclass_methods_header | constructor_header | destructor_header
        | procedure_header | function_header .
    // -- methods have no directives in implementation
    class_methods_headerCLASS (class_procedure_method | class_function_method ) .
      class_procedure_methodPROCEDURE CLASS_NAME '.PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';.
      // -- repeating the result is optional
      class_function_methodFUNCTION CLASS_NAME [ '.FN_NAME ]
          [ formal_parameters ] [ ':function_result_type ] ';.
    constructor_headerCONSTRUCTOR CLASS_NAME '.PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';.
    destructor_headerDESTRUCTOR CLASS_NAME '.PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';.
    // -- always ; before directives (for procedural cdecl is without ? )
    code_procedure_directives= $<dir { (dos_directives
        | calling_directives | overload_directive)
        [ ';'] } $>dir .
        CLASS_OR_PR_NAME [ '.PR_NAME ] [ formal_parameters ] ';'
          code_procedure_directives .
    // -- for the functions, STDCALL does not require ; "fn xxx: yyy STDCALL;"
    function_headerFUNCTION CLASS_OR_FN_NAME [ '.FN_NAME ]
        [ formal_parameters ] [ ':function_result_type ]
        [ ';' ] code_procedure_directives [ ';' ] .

  blocF .
  main_declarationsconst_type_var_declarations | procedure_declarations_and_body .
    procedure_declarations_and_body= { procedure_declaration } .
          $<dir ( FORWARD  $>dir | EXTERNAL $>dir end_external | $>dir bloc ) ';.
        // "procedure xxx; external;"
        // "procedure xxx; external 'xxx';"
        // "procedure xxx; external xxx;"
        // "procedure xxx; external xxx NAME 'MessageBoxA';"
        // "procedure xxx; external xxx 'MessageBoxA' INDEX 31;"
        end_external= [ constant_expression $<index [ index ] $>index ] '..
          indexINDEX constant_expression .
  bloc= { main_declarations } ( composed_instruction | asm ) .

  main_usesUSES uses_in { ',uses_in } ';.
    uses_inUNIT_NAME [ IN constant_expression ] .

  // -- program / units / library / packages

  programPROGRAM NAME ';' [ main_uses ] bloc '..

  unitUNIT UNIT_NAME ';unit_interface unit_implementation unit_end '..
    usesUSES identifier_list ';.
    unit_interfaceINTERFACE [ uses ] { const_type_var_declarations | routine_header } .
    unit_implementationIMPLEMENTATION [ uses ] { main_declarations } .
    unit_end= ( BEGIN instruction_list | initialization ) END .
      initialization= [ INITIALIZATION instruction_list [ FINALIZATION instruction_list ]] .

  libraryLIBRARY LIBRARY_NAME main_uses bloc '..

      $<pack [ requires_clause ] [ contains_clause ] $>pack END '..
    requires_clauseREQUIRES REQUIRES_NAME {',REQUIRES_NAME } ';.
    contains_clauseCONTAINS contains_statement {',contains_statement } ';.
      contains_statementCONTAINS_NAME [ IN constant_expression ] .

2.4 - Other Delphi grammars

Googling on the Web you will find several other Delphi grammars.

3 - References

  • Delphi 6 Grammar
    This is the COCO/R grammar. We have found this link on Google but not checked this grammar
  • CocolSoft also has a Delphi grammar
  • Martin WALDENBURG offered a source code parser, which can be found using Google (mwParse). He also had a nice Delphi grammar page, but the link I had is no longer valid.

4 - Comments

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  • please tell us at if you found some errors, mistakes, bugs, broken links or had some problem downloading the file. Resulting corrections will be helpful for other readers
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5 - The author

Felix John COLIBRI works at the Pascal Institute. Starting with Pascal in 1979, he then became involved with Object Oriented Programming, Delphi, Sql, Tcp/Ip, Html, UML. Currently, he is mainly active in the area of custom software development (new projects, maintenance, audits, BDE migration, Delphi Xe_n migrations, refactoring), Delphi Consulting and Delph training. His web site features tutorials, technical papers about programming with full downloadable source code, and the description and calendar of forthcoming Delphi, FireBird, Tcp/IP, Web Services, OOP  /  UML, Design Patterns, Unit Testing training sessions.
Created: nov-04. Last updated: jul-15 - 98 articles, 131 .ZIP sources, 1012 figures
Copyright © Felix J. Colibri 2004 - 2015. All rigths reserved
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