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Here are some Interbase papers:

  • Turbo Delphi Interbase tutorial: develop database applications with Turbo Delphi and Interbase. Complete ADO Net architecture, and full projects to create the database, the Tables, fill the rows, display and update the values with DataGrids. Uses the BDP
  • Interbase Stored Procedure Grammar : The BNF Grammar of the Interbase Stored Procedure. This grammar can be used to build stored procedure utilities, like pretty printers, renaming tools, Sql Engine conversion or ports
  • Using InterBase System Tables :The Interbase / FireBird System Tables: description of the main Tables, with their relationship and presents examples of how to extract information from the schema
Created: feb-05. Last updated: dec-15 - 99 articles, 220 .ZIP sources, 1068 figures
Copyright © Felix J. Colibri 2004 - 2015. All rigths reserved
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